Driving some more.
Is it paying off? You could say that. I was so stressed for my first test that I went to bed three hours early. Did I ever do that for any of my finals in the past year? You can better your bottom dollar that I definitely didn't.
I woke up stressed, studied for a couple more hours, said a prayer and got in my car for another hour departure. When I got there, they locked up my purse in a vault? I thought that was funny. What exactly in my purse would help me on an anatomy test? I dont have any bones lying around in there and I surely didn't have any pictures of a naked human body last time I checked. Then they proceeded to turn on a "white noise" sound maker. Drove. Me. Nuts. But, I took my test regardless. And what grade did I receive you might ask? And even if you might NOT ask, I would want you to. Because I am thoroughly proud of myself. A 98% folks. That is the very first test I've received higher than a 94% on in my college years. And easily the hardest. But it's what I love. Physiology... is another story.. But I love anatomy. And I love being able to apply it in my job at the clinic on real people. P.s. sorry to the lady in whom I thought your daughter was the one with ADD when it was actually you.
I dont get much sleep, I dont make new friends, I dont get much time to just "kick it", I basically EAT my pens (as you can see), but its all very satisfying.

The first of the day.

The end of the day. A fro. And a sore jaw from that daaang pen.
hey laur. sorry to seem snoopy, but i was reading your blog, and i read the entire thing. yes. from post one to the last one. you are a great little gal, and you make me laugh so hard that i cry, and cry so hard that i reflect on my life and want to be a better person. thanks for being my friend, you're a great one. i feel like even though i haven't seen you in ages, we just pick up right where we left off my senior year of hs. love ya laur, always have, always will.