Some people fit just perfectly in your heart like the shapes in that little square box you used to play with when you were a kid, ya know? The one where you had to put the right shape in the right hole? And once your 4 year old mind manages to fit them in, they get stuck, and are nearly impossible to get out without pinching your fingers off..?
I've found that some people in your life are the same way. From the time you meet them, they somehow manage to squeeze their way into your heart. Whether your heart is the kind that has teeny tiny little openings that are hard to get through, or big gaping holes that almost anyone could walk right in and out of. They find a way. Those BUGGERS.
You dont always plan on it. And that is what's so great about loving other people. You may not choose them, and the fact is that technically- they may not choose you. But either way- sometimes they get in. And you cant get them out (unless of course, you want to have two nubs for fingers the rest of your life).
Tonight I was thinking of all of the different people I know. And how much room I really had left in my heart for new-comers. And how forgiveness is a huge part of our growing experience here on earth. And even when those buggers do something to hurt your or make you mad, it's not like they instantly turn to dust, or melt into lava and just leak right out of your heart. They are there to stay.
And I'm glad for that. Because even when you're upset with someone you love- you can trust that your heart will always have a spare bedroom for them to stay in. Probably forever.

don't worry that this post made my heart swell up like 23 sizes to the point i'm almost in tears.
ReplyDeleteahhh. just what i needed to hear.
i sure love you lauren brown. and your rectangle heart. thanks for being my best friend and filling my heart. i like to think youre the octagon in my heart box. just.. for fun.
Lauren. why are all your blogs to inspirational? I want to print this is. I think this should be in a book. I was this to be popular, like one of those quotes that's been around forever and no one knows who really said it. I think this should be like...a common belief that the WHOLE world has. I love you. You're amazing. I'm in your heart to stay. and you're def in mine forever.